Dynamic table woes

I’m busy with part 2 of my Prolog databases tutorial, redoing the Social-Network problems from the Stanford SQL MooC in Prolog.

It’s all gone well until the final problem which involves adding entries to a relation I needed to declare as a table to avoid cycle hangs.

My problem goes as follows:

For all cases where A is friends with B, and B is friends with C, add a new friendship for the pair A and C. Do not add duplicate friendships, friendships that already exist, or friendships with oneself.

My solution looks like so:

findall(friend(A, C),
            (    friend(A, B), friend(B, C),
                 \+friend(A, C), A \== C
            ), L),
forall(member(friend(ID1, ID2), L),
    assertz(friend(ID1, ID2))).

Nothing gets changed in the friend/2 table by running the above. I’m stuck on whether this is due to with faulty logic in my code, or if this is due to the friend/2 relation being tabled.

I added this to the top of the data declarations, but it doesn’t seem to have a difference.

:- table friend/2 as dynamic.

Wel, you either want to table friend/2 or you want to compute your own transitive closure using more or less what you are trying. Tabling a fact is not impossible, but useless and just looses memory and makes your program slower. If you compute your own closure you do not need a findall/3, just assert inside your generate and test loop. You do need to continue doing so until nothing is changed. One way to check that is to check the last_modified_generation(Gen) property. If didn’t change during an iteration you are done.

As is, you do need a helper predicate for the tabled version. This is probably the most elegant in current SWI-Prolog (requires the development version):

:- dynamic friend/2 as monotonic.
:- table friended/2 as monotonic.

friended(A,C) :-
friended(A,B) :-

Now you can assert and retract friend/2 facts and enjoy the transitive closure in friended/2. Asserts only compute the new consequences incrementally. A retract recomputes the closure from scratch.


Why does the exercise, Stanford SQL MooC, require no self friends?

What this means is that if we want “friends of friends”, you inevitably will be a friend of your friend: mathematically friend(A, B), friend(B, C) will always include C = A unless it’s filtered out.

Do you mind to share an example of generating self friended friend/2 ground base ?
Cannot find it by myself, given Jan W. definition…

Ok, thanks. I was trying with a ground friend/2…

Now I wander how to debug the following non terminating (half baked) snippet.

:- module(friended,

friend(1510, 1381).
friend(1510, 1689).
friend(1689, 1709).
friend(1381, 1247).
friend(1709, 1247).
friend(1689, 1782).
friend(1782, 1468).
friend(1782, 1316).
friend(1782, 1304).
friend(1468, 1101).
friend(1468, 1641).
friend(1101, 1641).
friend(1247, 1911).
friend(1247, 1501).
friend(1911, 1501).
friend(1501, 1934).
friend(1316, 1934).
friend(1934, 1304).
friend(1304, 1661).
friend(1661, 1025).
friend(A, B) :- A\==B, friend(B, A).

:- table friended/2 as monotonic.

friended(A,C) :-
friended(A,B) :-

?- friended(X,Y). doesn’t complete, I understand the clause

friend(A, B) :- A\==B, friend(B, A).

could be the culprit, then maybe (==)/2 should be warned (at runtime) as invalid ?

I guess it is the negation that breaks it.

The idea of separating the friend/2 facts from the friended/2 rules is to properly deal with a dynamic friend/2 database. If the data is not dynamic, you can simply define friend/2 with both the facts and the rules and table it. If you separate the rules from the facts, move all rules to the friended/2 layer. As is you hav an infinite recursion in a non-tabled predicate.

Many thanks for the prompt answer as always @jan.

I got it to work like this

:-  dynamic friended/2.

friended(ID1, ID2) :- friend(ID1, ID2).

friended(ID1, ID3) :-
    friend(ID1, ID2), friend(ID2, ID3),
    \+friend(ID1, ID3), ID1 \== ID3.