How to add publications on SWI-PROLOG webpage?

Hello, My PhD thesis and various published (some on top conferences and journals) papers are based on SWI-Prolog. How can I raise a request to add these publications to this page:

Also, we have developed a software called Tartarus on top of SWI-Prolog. Tartarus is a multi-agent platform for developing mobile agent systems. Tartarus can be used on Raspberry-Pi, and Lego Robots.
Here is the Github code:

I hope this forms a good amount of work based on SWI-Prolog that have been recognised in international venues such as AAMAS conference.



Nice! I think the simplest is to make a pull request against (Publications.txt)

I would suggest starting a new section as the current list deals almost exclusively with publications on the Prolog system and its libraries rather than applications. Application publications surely deserve a place though.

That’s great Jan. Thanks. Sure, I will put up a new section and the references of my papers.