How to use the srcurl option in Pengines?

This is my JS code. I am trying to ask a query through a button and getting this error: procedure 'ef95febb-4e5c-42e3-85f0-050ddc8d2364':graf(A,B,C,D)' does not exist.
How to use the option correctly?

var pengine = new Pengine({
	server: "",
	srcurl: "/apps/examples/"
$("#run-btn").on("click", function() {
	var answer = pengine.ask('graf(_,_,_,G)');
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The text srcurl doesn’t appear in the source. src_url does. I guess this is either a typo or an error in some piece of documentation floating around.

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It is on this page:

All the underscores are missing so probably eaten by some markup or markdown processor.

It is already missing here:

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I have updated Note that this site is not well maintained though. The core of the Pengines is a standard SWI-Prolog package. The pengines site reflects @torbjorn.lager original ideas. Torbjorn is concentrating on Web Prolog and SWI-Prolog comes with the bundled old pengines core library and SWISH.

Okay, I got it. Where can I get the source code of pengines? Because the links on don’t provide pengines.js and related files.

I have never used PEngines, but checking the GitHub SWI-Prolog repository has

which has


I got that, thank you