I’m sorry to report that the development version 9.3.10 swipl-win.exe crashes when starting any XPCE component on my Windows 11 box.
I’m running a laptop with a dual monitor configuration, and the added screen is 4K, then could be something with the new hidpi settings (recently introduced, iirc).
Right now I’ve downgraded to ver. 9.3.7 and it’s working… so I can inspect my ‘GUI preferences…’ and report that I have this customization at the bottom of ‘Defaults’:
This could be related to parsing the new dimension resource values which fails if your locale does not use the decimal “dot”. Could this be the case? That is fixed in the sources, so taking the latest daily build should fix that.
Alternatively, could you see what happens if you add this to Defaults:
display.dpi: 100
Although I more suspect the first. I’ve faked my display to have 200 DPI, which makes everything rather big, but it works normally.