Can the dpi for the graphical debugger be configured

My laptop monitor is quite hi-res. I guess the gtrace debugger is scaled by pixel-size, not by physical size (dots per inch), and the text comes out excessively tiny. Can the app’s sizes be adjusted in an .rc file or another way?


Thanks. I didn’t ~/.config/swi-prolog/xpce/Defaults but I did copy /usr/lib/swi-prolog/xpce/Defaults.user, to ~/.xpce/Defaults, un-banged the font.scale line, and it seemed to work. Thanks.

It would be nice if there was an icon size setting also - I didn’t find one in .

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The simple way is to start PceEmacs using ?- emacs. and use the menu item Edit/Editor preferences. That copies the default file from the system to the right location (if it is not already there).

Note that ~/.xpce/Defaults is still for 8.0. 8.1 uses the XDG standard ~/.config/swi-prolog/xpce/Defaults

Agree. XPCE, underlying the IDE tools, is a bit old (to be polite). Its image support dates from the good old xbm days, later hacked xpm on top of it :slight_smile: The doubt between how much to update on XPCE and replacing the whole thing is going on for years already :frowning:

A somewhat simpler solution is possibly to have directories with different sized icons and adjust the search path. A small addition might be to add functionality to get the DPI of the display and adjust some things automatically.

Anyone willing to help, please jump in. Redesigning the IDE icons such that they are scalable and look nice would be a great start!

A simpler solution would be to somehow ask the window manager to somehow rescale this entire application. I haven’t found such a feature though. (Its a bit nuts to ask each application to pay attention to DPI at every step).

If that exists, it may help. It is of course a pity to scale truetype fonts at the pixel level rather than rendering them using the proper font size from the scalable representation. Likewise (but less intrusive) scaling the already badly desinged small icons to something bigger doesn’t make it more pretty. Would be better to have proper icons at 64x64 or bigger and scale them down.

Just scaling the fonts already makes the system more or less usable. Doing a reasonable default based on DPI would have avoided this question and nice scalable icons would make most people happy :slight_smile: Any icon designers? I’m happy to do the X11 and Windows work to get the DPI. With a few lines of Prolog we will all be happy!

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