SWI Prolog client now available for conceptbase (updated w/ fixes) (Discussion)

And available at…?

its added in the CB distribution.

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I created a CB fork on github where i added an update to the swi client, including some fixes and tests.

Once, a new version is stable, I will ask Prof. Jeusfeld again if he could include the updated client into the main distribution.



p.s. thanks Paolo for catching some issues …

Hi Daniel, I am happy to include the sources if your SWI client to ConceptBase in the main GitLab (not GitHub) repository of ConceptBaseCC. Maybe it is a bit overkill to make a fork of all ConceptBaseCC sources but that is your choice. The sources in ConceptBaseCC change every week, so a fork becomes quickly outdated.
@all: Most of the ConceptBaseCC server code is written in SWI-Prolog as well! SWI-Prolog is just a very good system.

Manfred (conceptbase.cc)

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Dear Manfred,

Thank you for the offer.

I created a GitLab account and forked CB, then updated the swi prolog client code.

If you could reintegrate those updates into the CB distribution on GitLab that would be great.

thank you,
