Learn Prolog Now: Request for contribution


Looking at the material, i, unfortunately, find it hard to follow – the tutorial show how to use a construct, but not what practical problem the construct comes to solve, and how it fits in a bigger picture of problem solving

For example, to show that a list can be encapsulated in an object construction, help use them, but doesn’t explain why and in what situation one wants to do this, and not, say, use a standard Prolog module.

I guess i favor learning through larger problems where constructs use is shown in solution development context.

For example, how to make client code of the list object oblivious of the particular subclass of list object it makes use of, which helps make the client code more stable, while allowing to vary the kind of list (and list implementation?) to use.

thank you,


p.s. btw, i think it would have been better to have a category example that does not use assert / retract to record properties but rather a relational approach – such as by use of assoc. just, so to convey today’s best practices by way of other examples as well.

Would using, say, an assoc, be the right way to have changing values in an object?